Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A birthday weekend of Titanic proportions

Standing on top of the huge pile of rock we moved!
So before I go into what was a sweet birthday weekend, on Friday me and 12 classmates spent some time volunteering at Habitat for Humanity.  We went to a donation site where we loaded a dumpster full of textured rock to be sold at their store, in which the profits go towards building houses for those in need.  Not only did we find 10 frogs in the pile and safely deliver them across the lot, we also loaded a majority of the rock in the dumpster and completely filled it up.  Now ask us if we used good body mechanics.....I would say we made a conscious effort but don't let our teachers know we had back pain the next day!

Kiley, Molly and Emily before the race
Saturday morning we went and cheered on our friends in the Rock the Parkway Half marathon!  There were 6 girls and 1 teacher running the half marathon and then another teacher who ran the 5K.  Our classmate Kim won the women's overall with a time of 79 minutes! How awesome! And Emily and Molly ran their first race with Kiley and they all did great!

Then is was time for my birthday weekend!  Now usually turning 24 isn't that interesting, but many cool historic things happen on April 15 including:
  • Tax Day
  • President Lincoln was shot and killed
  • National Jackie Robinson day
  • penicillin was discovered
  • Leonardo Di Vinci was born
  • AND this years more important event: the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking!
Megan and I at the Museum downtown...
Kevin bravely took the pic in the rain
In honor of the fact that I "only turn 24 on the 100th anniversary of the Titanic once", I did many a Titanic events including:
  • The sweet traveling exhibit at Union Station...we got to be actual passengers and I survived! My friends did not :(
  • Titanic and Ice Berg shaped ice cubes
  • Titanic movie in 3D (still just as gripping as when I was 10, I was on the edge of my seat)
  • Dinner and dancing with my great friends!
Dinner on the Plaza
It was a great and wonderful time and I am so blessed to have the great friends and family I do! 24 has never felt so good!  Then on Monday I went to the Royals Games with Lindsey and Patrick since they were in town time I see them I will be moving to Oklahoma for rotation in August! That is CRAZY! (I will put that pic on the next blog!)

Dancing with friends!

Thankfully this week at school has not been to demanding because I am exhausted and have seriously considered a caffine IV to survive. Tomorrow is our last night of lab and we get to dog sit our favorite Zoe this weekend! Have a great Thursday!

Titanic in 3D! ...too bad Jack let go in the end

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