Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sweet treats and cup stacking athletes

Outside of getting tested over our ability to use a traction machine, this week in school was pretty quiet (which is not something we ever complain about).  Traction machines just put some space in between the joints in the spine and is a way to help ease some pain in patients....although it could easily pass as looking like a torture device!


A fun moment in our week was a group communication activity we did in our professional development III course. 
Each group member was attached to a rubber band with a piece of string (tied around our waist).  One member has to have their eyes closed and another has to be turned around.  The goal is to make a stack of cups as high and stable as possible using just the rubber band to move the 18 minutes.  From the pictures it is clear to see my group rocked it.

On Friday the class did a fundraising event at Yogurtini to help raise money for our graduation banquet.  If our name was mentioned when a person paid, we got 15% of the purchase.  Not to mention it was a great excuse for eating your choice of frozen yogurt and toppings.  In case you ever need help deciding which kind my top three are: cheesecake, cake batter, and cookies n' cream!

I can't wait for next weekend!  As much as I would love to divulge my plans, I have to keep them secret just a little bit longer in case there are wandering eyes that will ruin the surprise. :)

Happy Saturday and hopefully the weather is cool and beautiful where ever you are also! 

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