Friday, September 23, 2011

A blog of firsts

Most importantly in the world of Rockhurst, HAPPY ROCKHURST DAY! It is family and alumni weekend at the Rock this weekend, and while there are great times to be had, I am celebrating with my beautiful family 350 miles southeast of campus.

So my 'secret' I couldn't mention during the last post was I came home for the was my little sister's 17th birthday and we decided to surprise her with my visit!  My mom's birthday is also coming up, but if I posted her age on here, I would most definitely be written out of the will!  While this weekend's adventures in the CG (the cool-kid slang and much shorter way to say Cape Girardeau) will be posted on Sunday, this week at school was a pretty decent one.

First it is worth mentioning that Rockhurst will now offer the second dual DPT degree in the country!  That means for a few extra Franklin's and some additional schooling, you can get your doctorate of physical therapy AND your master's of business administration.  Because the face of health care and physical therapy is changing so much, this is a great opportunity to get some education on business (in case you would want to own your own practice someday) or the insurance and paperwork side of the profession.  For those who are interested in this, it is really a unique program and beneficial program for future PTs!

Emily and I testing the motion detectors before class
The students in the physics lab my roommate and I teach (she is really excited to be in a picture this week!) got to work with some motion detectors as they attempted to mirror some charts comparing distance, velocity, etc.  As they moved away and towards the sensor, it would draw their speed and distance on the graph.  When we were in that class (back when you read your books by candlelight), this was one of our favorites.

Our teacher Kelly helping out Kim

We also got to finish up the lumbar spine (lower back) in our musculoskeletal lab this week.  After determining that my joints have some excessive and unnecessary movement (on a scale out of nine of hypermobility....I got a nine, which means I got an extra large gold star.  Not normal!), we practiced up on some techniques to assess how the joints in your lower back move. 

Back to some paper grading and neurology questions before I go spend some more time with my all time favorite people!  Happy first day of fall! See ya in a few with some great adventures!

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