Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ain't in no hurry today

Spring Break is officially over and even mother nature is upset.  The rain and springing forward last night for daylight savings time has officially made me drowsy and highly unmotivated to do a few last minute things before school starts back up tomorrow. 

I do plan on actually cooking before I go back to the nights that mostly consist of chicken, salads, grilled cheese, and frozen pizzas.  I also have to pick up my friend from the airport after he spent the weekend in Vegas for our friend's bachelor party.  We can't wait to fly out to New Jersey in June to celebrate his wedding! 

My spring break was pretty fabulous!  While the mornings were usually devoted to something school related, I got to get to gym and spend my evenings with family and friends.  I was able to see my former high school's musical "Fiddler on the Roof", go shooting with my dad/sister/grandpa, and have some delicious dinners.  I spent a large chunk of my invisible money tree on clothes which resulted in having to donate a trash bag full of clothes when I got back to KC.  However, my greatest accomplishment came from buying a nail art pen and polka dotting my nails....can anyone say "winning"?!

But now that we are technically on the "downhill" of the semester (if it is it is going to be incredibly rough and slow moving), there are some fun things to look forward to like my birthday party extravaganza, Easter break, habitat for humanity, white coat ceremony, and the not so fun comprehensive exam.  Believe it or not, all of this (which is about 20 percent of my life) has to happen in TEN WEEKS!  Then it is time to pack up and move onward to rotations!

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